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Description: A great gift idea to get someone started with these awesome plants! All 12 (Randomly...
Description: Tillandsia funckiana ‘Red Upright’. This variety was originally sourced from Bruce Dunstan. This variety will...
Description: Tillandsia pueblensis is endemic to Mexico. It has a similar appearance to T. mitlaensis but...
Epiphyllum are epiphytic cacti as their name suggests. Some call them orchid cactus due to...
Description: Tillandsia funckiana ‘Very Strict Form’. The foliage on this variety is "Strict" meaning that...
Description: Tillandsia tenuifolia 'Valhalla S. Africa’. This variety was originally sourced from Peter Tristram. It is...
Description: Spathoglottis or Ground orchid, are a plant from the Orchidaceae family. They flower year round and...
Description: Tillandsia complanata Position: They should receive bright, indirect sunlight. Indoors, an east or west...
Description: Tillandsia leonamiana BFPB ex. PT. Position: We do not recommend keeping this plant indoors. It...
Description: Tillandsia Silver Comb is a variant of the species T. tenuifolia, originating from Rainforest...
Description: Tillandsia chiletensis is a species which originates from the Cajamarca valley, near the town...
Description: Tillandsia retorta is a species native to Argentina, where it grows at elevations of...
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Description: Tillandsia aeranthos ‘Silver’ as the name suggests, is a silver form of the species. Tillandsia...
Description: Tillandsia capillaris ‘Silver Form’ as the name suggests, is a silver form T. cappilaris, due...
Description: Tillandsia chusgonensis. Position: They should receive bright, indirect sunlight. Indoors, an east or west...
Description: Tillandsia complanata x streptophylla. This plant was originally sourced from Barry Genn. An attractive hybrid, it is...
Description: Tillandsia Zik Zak is an unusual variant of T. paleacea, selected for its interesting “zig-zagging”...
Description: Tillandsia queroensis is an unusual caulescent species from the area near Quero, in central Ecuador. It...
Description: Tillandsia Betty Bo Peep is a hybrid of parentage T. xerographica x T. brachycaulos,...
Epiphyllum are epiphytic cacti as their name suggests. Some call them orchid cactus due to...
Description: Tillandsia Rhonda R. is a hybrid of parentage T. caput-medusae x exserta. Position: Growing this...
Description: Tillandsia nuptialis is a species native to Brazil, where it grows on rocks (saxicolous)....
Description: Tillandsia circinata. Flowers will emerge in March (Autumn). We originally sourced this species from James Hall. Position: Growing...
Description: Tillandsia Hot Stuff is a hybrid of parentage T. streptophylla x T. fasciculata, created...
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Description: Tillandsia tenuifolia Hybrid. This hybrid is originally from Rainforest Flora nursery in California, USA....
Description: Tillandsia caput-medusae ‘Giant Form’ ?. This plant is thought to be a large form of...
Description: Cymbidium madidum, commonly referred to as the giant boat-lip orchid. Native to north-eastern Australia.
Description: Tillandsia Maria Teresa L is an older hybrid of parentage T. brachycaulos x T. fasciculata, created by...
Description: Tillandsia tenuifolia ‘Long Dark Form’. Position: They should receive bright, indirect sunlight. Indoors, an east...
Description: Tillandsia Curra is a hybrid of parentage T. concolor x ionantha, created by QLD hybridist...
Description: Tillandsia Seaborn. Position: We do not recommend keeping this plant indoors. It requires bright light, good...
Description: Tillandsia Don Malarkey is a hybrid of parentage T. duratii x T. gardneri, originally sourced...
Description: Tillandsia paucifolia x caput-medusae. This plant was originally sourced from Chris Vale. Position: We...
Description: Tillandsia Dennis. This plant was originally sourced from Rainforest Flora, via Bruce Dunstan. This hybrid...
Description: Tillandsia Tamaree is a gorgeous hybrid of parentage T. stricta x T edithae, created by...
Description: Cymbidium ‘Tracet Reddaway Sungold’
Epiphyllum are epiphytic cacti as their name suggests. Some call them orchid cactus due to...
– Sold OutEpiphyllum are epiphytic cacti as their name suggests. Some call them orchid cactus due to...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia buchlohii is a species native to Paraguay and Brazil. It is large growing, and...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia Steve a sort after, rare hybrid of parentage T. chiapensis x T. magnificent. This hybrid...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia Holm's Mother Lode is an exceptional hybrid of parentage T. Duratii x T....
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia Gardicta is a hybrid of parentage T. gardneri x T. stricta. The original...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia chiletensis is a species which originates from the Cajamarca valley, near the town...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia zacapanensis is a species native to Zacapa, Guatemala, where it grows as a lithophyte...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia Bella is similar in appearance to T. aeranthos, but with wider, thicker leaves....
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia milagrensis is a species native to the region of Milagres, in the state of...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia klausii was a species originally endemic to Chiapas, Mexico. However it has since become extinct in...