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Description: Tillandsia Tina Parr is a hybrid of parentage T. Seleriana X T. Ionantha. It...
Description: Tillandsia capitata ‘Red’ is a stunning example of this species. T. capitata are native to...
$11.99 $24.99
Description: Tillandsia Leon has been widely grown in horticulture, however the exact identity or origin of...
– Sold OutA beautiful species that produces a very long lasting bright yellow inflorescence from which purplish...
Description: Tillandsia Eric Knobloch, pronounced "Eric No-Block" is an ever popular hybrid of T. Brachycaulos...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia brachycaulos x schiedeana is a stunning hybrid showcasing how unique Tillandsia hybridising is, that...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia capitata Yellow x capitata Marron. One source has said this hybrid was created by...
$29.99 $39.99
Description: Tillandsia Repton was received by Peter Tristram as T. Stricta, but has many similarities with...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia Hal’s Nidus. This species is linked to T. X Nidus, which is a...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia leiboldiana ‘Red Form’. Tillandsia leiboldiana was described in 1845 by Diederich Franz Leonhard Schlechtendal....
$7.99 $11.99
Description: Tillandsia caerulea ‘Fine Form’ as the name suggests is a finer form compared to the...
$15.99 $24.99
Description: Tillandsia ionantha 'Ron’. (Asian Form). This plant was originally imported by Collectors Corner as Ionantha...
$14.99 $29.99
Description: Tillandsa Sweet Isabel is a hybrid of parentage T. Tectorum X T. Paleacea. It...
$11.99 $19.99
Description: Tillandsia Borumba is a hybrid of parentage T. baileyi x T. ionantha ‘Druid’, created by...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia ionantha 'APD001’ is a unique clone we have been cultivating for a few...
– Sold OutDescription: T. ionantha ‘Curly Leaf’ is an interesting cultivar, known for having long, soft leaves with...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia X Floridana is thought to be a natural hybrid of parentage T. Fasciculata v....
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia ionantha 'Sumo White' is thought to be similar to an "Albino" form of...
– Sold OutDescription: This form was originally sourced from Chris Vale, and is a bit taller than our other...
$9.99 $29.99
Description: Tillandsia aeranthos 'var. Aemula' is a larger form of the species, with a more...
$9.99 $11.99
Description: A close relative of Wallisia cyanea, Wallisia lindenii is native to the wet forests of...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia capitata ‘Pink’. T. capitata are native to Mexico and Cuba, where they grow on...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia schiedeana has green / grey, long, thin leaves that are rigid and stick...
Description: Tillandsia Evelyn Riley is a hybrid of unknown parentage, but assumed to be T....
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia Confusion is cultivar of unknown parentage. It has a caulescent stem growth habit...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia glabrior is similar in form and growth habit to that of T. schiedeana....
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia ionantha 'Stricta' (also referred to as ionantha 'Rosita'), is quite an interesting cultivar...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia Halley’s Comet x brachycaulos. Position: Growing this species indoors is possible. However you will...
– Sold OutDescription: Sourced from Pam Butler (Collection No. 20), originally sourced from Neville Ryan. Tillandsia Califano...
Description: Tillandsia aeranthos ‘Silver’ as the name suggests, is a silver form of the species. Tillandsia...
Description: Tillandsia capitata ‘Peach’ (Real Deal) ex. BRT. There are many capitata’s in circulation under...
Description: Tillandsia Betty Bo Peep is a hybrid of parentage T. xerographica x T. brachycaulos,...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia tenuifolia Tillandsia tenuifolia Sp. is natively distributed to a wide region of areas from...
– Sold OutDescription: Tillandsia Victory is a hybrid of parentage T. intermedia x T. capitata (Red Form). This...